Nutrient content in Dragon Fruits

1. The amount of the content of Dragon fruit
Dragon fruit  (buah naga in Indonesia) is usually consumed in the form of fresh fruit as busting thirst. The content of the fruit is also made up of high water content, which is about 90% of the weight of the fruit.

The taste is quite sweet because it contains sugar levels to reach 13-18 bricks. Dragon fruit can also be served in the form of juice, juice, jam or preserves as well as diverse forms of presentation according to taste.

In General, experts agree and acknowledge the content of the fruit is rich in ferum, potassium, protein, fiber, sodium, and calcium which is good for the health of other fruits as opposed to imported.

According to AL Leong from Pitaya Johncola Food R&D, an organization that examines the Red Dragon fruit Cactus fruit, honey that's quite rich with various substances, vitamins and minerals that help greatly improve the durability and beneficial to metabolism in the human body.

Research shows that the benefits of the Red Dragon fruit are very good for the circulatory system, also give effect to reduce the toxic emotions and neutralize the pressure in the blood. "Research also shows this fruit can prevent colon cancer, in addition to preventing high cholesterol content in the blood and lower levels of fat in the body," he said.

The following number of Dragon fruit content that you can get:

Sugar levels: 13-18 bricks
Water: 90%
Carbs: 11.5 gr
Acid: 0.139 gr
Protein: 0.53 gr
Fiber: 0.71 grams
Calcium: 134.5 mg
Phosphorus: 8.7 mg
Magnesium: 60.4 mg
Vitamin c: 9.4 mg

2. Dragon fruit nutritional
Overall, here's the content of nutrients in every Dragon fruit:

Protein (increasing the body's metabolism and maintaining heart health)
Fiber (to prevent colon cancer, diabetes, and diet)
Carotenes (eye health, strengthens the brain and prevent the entry of disease)
Calcium (strengthen bones)
Iron (add blood)
Vitamin B1 (prevent fever Agency)
Vitamin B2 (an increase of appetite)
Vitamin B3 (lowers cholesterol levels)
Vitamin C (add to the smoothness of the skin and prevent acne).

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